Learn foreign language like children
Normally we hear that learning a foreign language is easier for children. They learn quickly. Has anybody thought why its easier for children? I teach German to different groups from 6 -40 years old. The very important thing I realized with children when you teach them the language is, due to their sharp memories they remember most of the vocabulary you introduce them also unlike adults their other language skills don’t interfair in their any other language learning. They learn the structures the way you teach them they don’t compare it with any other language. The more you speak with them the more they learn and offcourse very important they don’t hesitate in speaking or making mistakes while using the language. I think its important when we learn a foreign we come out of our comfort zone of other language and push ourselves to speak, write and listen the language. How to do that?
- Watch videos on YouTube: One should watch more you tube videos, not those videos which are meant to teach rather videos which are general videos. One can start with short stories to difficult levels.
- Read Texts: Now a days there so many texts available on the Internet as per the level. Learners should read at least one text every day.
- Speak every day: If you don’t have a person you can practice with then make sure that you always speak or present it orally in front of the mirror the topic you read. This way you will learn more and more vocabulary on different topics and you will have confidence while speaking.